Strict enforcement on Tobacco Control Law from May 1, 2013
Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Ministry of Health launching event of tobacco control law implementation and signing ceremony of smoke free workplaces

Updated at 28 Aug 2013, 10:28
Hanoi, 15 August 2013, the Ministry of Health launched the workshop to implement the Tobacco Control Law among the MOH
belonged agencies and signing ceremony of smoke free workplaces within the indoor areas of all MOH belonged agencies.
With an aim to increase the responsibility of the head of agencies in the MOH belonged departments/ institutions, all of these agencies must sign the commitment of smoke free workplaces.

Along with the signing commitment, MOH supplemented the “no smoking” in the indoor workplace in its internal regulation, provided stickers and signs of no smoking in the prohibited places.
All of its belonged agencies must be responsible for monitoring, follow up and administrative sanctions on any violated cases.
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Smoke free Taiwan (22 Apr 2013)
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