Strict enforcement on Tobacco Control Law from May 1, 2013
Sunday, 13 Oct 2024

The first GHWs of tobacco products in Vietnam

Updated at 14 Aug 2013, 09:54
Right after the first ever strong and comprehensive Tobacco Control Law was ratified in June 2013, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Trade and Industry worked closely to releasenthe joint Circular in Graphic health warnings.
Despite of many negative auguments from tobacco industry, plus with confusions on its feasibility, the joint cicular was approved in Feb this year.

The prominent regulations could be seen in 6 samples of GHWs applicable, rotation of every two years, covered at least 50% surface of both main principles...

  (GHWs oF ThangLong brand)
Since 8 august 2013, the soft tobacco pack/tube with GHWs has flowed to the market as Circular regulated. New visible evidence of TC law implementation was seen.
It remarked the joint and continuous efforts of TC activists and strong committment of Vietnam Govt.The hard pack/tube wirh GHWs will be applicable in 8 Nov 2013. Joint with us to see a new steps!

       (GHWs oF ThangLong brand)
Acknowledged with special thanks for the support of Bloomberg Philanthropies (TFK, UNION), WHO, SEATCA, ASH Thailand in developing the samples of GHWs.

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