Strict enforcement on Tobacco Control Law from May 1, 2013
Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024
1. Bloomberg Philanthropies:
Over the last time, Bloomberg Philanthropies is the first and important partner of VINACOSH in tobacco control in Vietnam, that remarkable contributed to the advocacy and development of the first ever comprehensive and strong Tobacco Control Law.
With an aim to disseminate, communicate adequately and comprehensively the tobacco control regulations to all people, contributed to effective implemetation of the Law while maintaining the gained resultes in the periof of 2011- 2013, The Tobacco Free Kids (TFK) as Bloomberg Philanthropies implementing agency to foster its cooperation with VINACOSH in the next two years. The overall purpose of the project is to build capacity for communication and enforcement of the law nationally by providing guidance and resources targeted at informing various sectors on the law, its associated roles and responsibilities, and continuously educating on the harms of tobacco. It also seeks to leverage the Smoke Free Tourism concept to build support from economically important and influential areas of the country for effective enforcement of smoke free in the hospitality sector. The Measurable objectives are to build capacity and resources for proper communication of the Tobacco Control law to support its effective enforcement; and to consolidate and expand Smoke Free tourism initiative to build support for effective smoke free enforcement in the hospitality sector, and to raise the profile of tobacco control efforts.
In the coming time, thanks to the project interventions, the set of communication materials will be standardized for national dissemination, applicable to various targeted groups more effectively. Additionally, the communication capacity of HIECs system (Health Information and Education Centers) at provinces and cities would be enhanced for deploying the Law implementation. This project also focuses on information sharing, enhancing the skills of communication for mass agencies in this field. In order to maintain the gained results of smoke free in the last period of 2011- 2013, the project would continuously invest on the smoke free tourism based on the dissemination of communication materials, smoke free guidelines at on site, capacity building for the Department of Culture- Sports and Tourism of some pilot provinces and cities. 

2.  Atlantic Philanthropies, USA
Atlantic Philanthropies cooperated with the VINACOSH to launch the smoke free movements in three project sites during 2009- 2012. It focused on the model of smoke free at school, health settings and administrative agencies though the various strategies of communication, community based development and capacity building for leaders and community activists. After this project, the initial lesson learnt will be draw up for national dissemination.
During 2005- 2009, it also mandated the John Hopkins (IGTC) to launch the project on reducing the consumption and supply of tobacco products. The strategies were to collaborate with ministries and sectors for their compliance with WHO FCTC, capacity building to develop the plan of action and evaluate the tobacco control interventions and capacity building for VINACOSH for supervising and evaluation of intervention results and reporting the tobacco epidemic in Vietnam.
In the next stage of 2013- 2015, it continuously invests on the assessment development of Tobacco Control Fund structure and its operation.

3. World Health Organization:
It is the long term partner in Vietnam with its strong commitment and technical, financial support over the last time. Along with the technical advice for development of the Tobacco Control Law and compliance of WHO FCTC, it supported VINACOSH to launch its smoke free model in the 9 hospital based on the network of Health Labor Union. Additionally, it also supported to set up the tobacco dependence treatment and consultancy service in the hospitals with technical guidelines for its application. 

 4. Sida (Sweden International Development Agency):  began its cooperation with VINACOSH during 1999- 2006. The set objectives are raising the awareness of local people on tobacco harms and socioeconomic consequences by the various communication campaigns; capacity building for tobacco control practitioners in the sustainable manner while smoke free development; policy development, highlighted in the National Policy implementation among the ministries and sectors, mass organizations.

5. ROCKEFELLER: supported VINACOSH in capacity building for the staffs in research and carrying out the project on communication for behavior impact on smoke free at home
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