Strict enforcement on Tobacco Control Law from May 1, 2013
Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Establishing the Tobacco Control Fund Vietnam

Updated at 28 Aug 2013, 10:24
29 July 2013, the Prime Minister has signed the Decision 47/2013/QĐ - TTg on establishment, regulations for organization and activities of the Tobacco Control Fund in Vietnam
In accordance with the Article 29 of the tobacco control law, the Fund has responsibility for the followed activities:
  • Communication on tobacco harms and tobacco prevention and control to diversified target group. 
  • Formulating the pilot models of smoke free communities, agencies and organizations, disseminating the effective models nationwide.
  •  Organizing the community based campaigns and initiatives on prevention and control of tobacco harms; providing consultancy on organization of designated smoking area in the public places 
  • Developing contents and introducing education about tobacco harms and prevention into the education programs suitable to each education levels
  •  Applying measures to help tobacco growers, tobacco material processors and tobacco manufacturing workers change their occupations 
  • Taking another functions as regulated.
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