Strict enforcement on Tobacco Control Law from May 1, 2013
Tuesday, 01 Apr 2025

Results of implementation of Prime Minister Decision No 1315 on SMF

Updated at 08 Aug 2013, 14:52
Study report on the Evaluation of the implementation of Prime Minister Decision No 1315 on smoke free workplaces among the Labor Unions of some ministries and provinces
The quantitative and qualitative is conducted, desk review is conducted. It aimes to  review the implementation of the Prime Minster Decision No 1315/QD-TTg by the Prime Minister on the implementation of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (Decision #1315) among the Labor Unions of some ministries and provinces; and to give out the lesson learnt in the implementation of smoke free environment at workplaces among the Labor Unions of some ministries and provinces.
The study is conducted in 11 agencies, consisted of the Labour Union of 9 ministries and 2 provinces, namely the Labour Union of National Assembly, Ministry of Information and Communication, Ministry of Finance, Vietnam Railway Association, General Confederation of Labour Union, Ministry of Contruction, Bank of Vietnam, Vietnam Post and Telecommunication (VNPT), Vietnam National Coal- Mineral Industries Holding Cooperation Limited (VINACOMIN) and Provincial Labour Union of Dak Lak and Dien Bien.

The study found that fact that:
  • The tobacco control and the development of smoke free at workplaces has been gained the committment and support of direction from the Central Labor Union to its system right after the issuance of the Decision No 1315/ QĐ-Ttg by the release . of sub legal documents of implementation.
  • The knowledge of Labor Union staffs and workers on tobacco harms to human health and environment, its impacts of the industrialized and modern working culture is very good. The high rate of workers and staffs having the right knowledge on this issue and supported for the development of smoke free workplace is also high. However, act of smoking at workplace still occured, especially in the cooridor, outdoor area and lobby. Meanwhile, the designated smoking room is available in some studied agencies, yet, failed to be qualified. Thereof, the smoking exposure at workplace has been still existed.
  • Along with the comittment of leaders and managers, the tobacco control work has been step by step laid the concern, integrated into the regular planning and implementation of health care programs, emulation and award in the different Labor Union system. However, the budget allocation is very limited, mainly from the Central Labor Union and the VINACOSH.
  • The specific reporting and evaluation activities on smoke free at workplaces has not been comprehensively implemented. It has been just integrated into the regular emulation and award report of the Labor Union. Additionally, the punishment of the smoking act at workplaces has been taken into practice and well implemented in some studied agencies. The enforcement manpower is quite different among these agencies. The most familiar punishment is a remind in personal or in the regular meeting. The effectiveness of monitoring and punishment is still limited.
  • The communication on tobacco control and smoke free workplaces has gained the considerable achivements, contributed to raising the awareness and knowledge of workers and staffs. However, the resource is still very limited, almost of communication activities are accessed by the high level Labor Unions while the grass root levels and private sector Labor Union are not received enoug concerns and investment.
  • The sucess of some smoke free workplaces has been found that contributed to the healthy and modernized working lifestyle for workers. It is resulted from the special concern and support of the head of each agency and direction of Central Labor Union. However, the advocacy and model dissemination of smoke free workplaces is still limited in the whole system of Labor Unions.
There are some lesson learnt for the Labor Union as following:
  • The solid committment and active direction of the head of each agency play a key role for formulation of smoke free workplace. If which, the leaders must be a good example for implementation. 
  • The legal enviroment is perfected, especially the approval of Tobacco Control Law by the National Assembly that contributed to encourage the more active involvement of the leaders at different levels. 
  • The role of VINACOSH and the Central Labor Union is very important to support for different level Labor Uniosn in developing the smoke free workplace. After 1 May 2013 the Tobacco Control Law taken into effect, the service of tobacco cessation voluntary and consultancy must be enhanced to be more easier accessed by the workers and staffs.
  • Communication, education camapaigns to raise the awareness on tobaco harms and the benifits of smoke free formulation used to be prioritized and further be promoted to sucessfully develop the moderlized and professtional working conditions for the soceity.
  • The criteria of no smoking should be integrated into the regulatiosn of emulation and awarding, recognition of good practice at workplaces, in paralel with the stronger and comprehensive enforcement.
  • All of workplaces must be installed by the “no smoking signs” to push up the communication and basis of punishment of the violated cases.
  • The human resource for monitoring and reporting the smoke free formulation and enforcement must be promoted. In the enptersises, this force should be from the Administrative and Management section. Meanwhile, it should be the Section of Inspector, Emulation and Awarding in the State agencies. In addition, there is no designated smoking area at workplaces based on the Article 11 of tobacco control Law. The workplaces is the place of both indoor and outdoor smoking prohibited. 
  • Along with the expansion of sucessed smoke free workplaces within a sector, the dissemination and various communication of these best practices to the whole country is needed. Of which, these models must be the obvious practice served for the cause of worker health care promotion adn protection as well as the development of modernized and professtional working condition.
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Smoke free Taiwan (22 Apr 2013)
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